The Problem
Creating an engaging dashboard

Mass Mutual approached Unqork Digital with the task of creating a brand new loan management dashboard for their team, during the 4 week discovery and 6 week design session we worked with the client to understand the problem, create a solution and iterate on the designs to bring them the most efficient way to conduct their day to day work.
While we started the design process, we knew we had to focus on these main points:
The SaaS product team
Design: Design Manager (Me) Product Designer |
Engineering: Solution Artichect Application Engineer UX Engineer |
Understanding the bottlenecks in the process? Deep user insights to drive a smooth experience.
During the discovery phase we were able to span across 15 interview sessions The key take aways were:
- Ton of friction in starting a new loan & the flow that follows
- There was no easy way to create an Asset Manager, the creation experience was buried in menus.
- A lack of additional information in within the detail pages.
- Current Visual Design has no brand consistency and looks like it’s from 2002

Bringing a new dashboard to life: Understanding how the data works for the users.
As we looked at the current state of the what the asset managers were dealing with, we started to formulate a plan around what they need in their day to day to be most productive.
Using a mix of visual KPIs (some data visualization and some text based) at the top it of the page allowed the users to see what was most pressing for them at any given day and give them a birds eye view of what accounts needed attention.
Making the dashboard feel like home: Adapting a marketing style to data.
As we began to iterate on the visual design of the dashboard, new information surfaced around the users needs. We added additional KPIs to really drive into detail what the asset managers were looking for.
Luckily for us, Mass Mutual had a very extensive visual language to work with. Turning a marketing first design into something that fits within data is sometimes a challenge.
We brought this to life and it expressed the same vibrancy as well as keeping usability in mind.

Defining the new flow: Cleaning up one of the main pain points.
As we learned during the user research creating a new loan was daunting task. There was no easy link from the main dashboard and the Asset Managers had to go through 2 menus to get there. So adding the button on the main dashboard was an easy win.
The form what followed had no tracker to allows user to know how long the journey is and had all the sub sections in one very long form. Assets Managers felt it was overwhelming to see at once.
So grouping adding a clear tracker, and creating sections to make the flow feel more compact helped the Asset Managers along the way.
Launching the Asset Managers to a new level:
As we entered the final phase preparing for launch of the new tool for the Asset Managers. There were some hiccups along the way from a technical perspective.
Some of the API we were tapping into were only giving partial information but we found some solutions that didn’t impede on what the Asset Managers expected.
We were able to do a 30 day check in to see how things where going and everything was overwhelming positive.
We also set up a cadence to continue to gain insights as well as grow the product with the team.